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Becoming Unstoppable

Dreams are real. They form the basis for human development, creativity and evolution. Turning them into reality takes a little more effort than just hope. We all have dreams for the future. Goals that are ripe for achieving. Ever since we were born, we’ve wanted to impact the world in some way and stand out from the crowd. Every day we hope that someone will notice us and recognize us for some special achievement.


Changing your reality to fit your dreams is no simple task. Because reality is a ruthless tormentor, there will be few opportunities to take command. But if you take advantage of the few that exist and bar reality from within and without, there will be no stopping you. Put your idea into practice. Work towards achieving your goal, just dreaming is not enough. If you put the work in and do your best. You will see measurable results.


Remember, the first time you try you might not do it perfectly so don't over analyze your every action. Have fun and try not to get too caught up in achieving perfection. Even if you don't do well at all you can still have fun as long as you do your best.

Try hard and don't worry about looking stupid, you're probably going to make a fool of yourself the first time you try something, but as long as you brush it off and give your all you won’t be teased or stared at. You will be laughing all the way to the bank. There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing your dream. Don’t give up. Don't let yourself be discouraged by anything, whether someone is putting you down or your attempts aren't going as planned keep trying. As long as you're passionate about the dream you are attempting to put into action you should be able to keep going and push through the tough spots. Always keep in mind, you can do it!

The "Secret" Hiding in Plain Sight


By Bt Stew 12/01/24: There is something out there that "they" don't want you to know about. It is a fundamental universal law. This universal law has been kept secret for generations. You may have heard about it, but do you really KNOW what it means?


The people who understand this universal law tend to be the most successful people you know or heard of in your life. But unfortunately, they don't teach this in school; it's not mentioned. So, this universal law is simple yet complicated at the same time. It's something that every single person in the Universe has and can use if taught.


Ok, by now, you are wondering what is this "Secret" that "they" have been keeping from me my whole life. Well, it might be what you're thinking it is. Of course, many of you have heard it before, but I will explain it in more depth. And this has the potential to change your life!


It starts with the basic definition of Quantum Theory. Don't worry. I will not go into depth about quantum theory, physics, and mechanics. But the basic definition of quantum theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels.


What does all this mean, and what is the secret already??? The secret is that we and all matters are made of energy. The table next to you, the coffee cup in your hand, the keyboard you're typing on, and the beer on a Friday night are all made of energy vibrating at a certain frequency. So, what am I talking about?


I am referring to the "Law of Attraction." The law of attraction is the magnetic power of the Universe that manifests through everyone and through everything.


It is part of the creative power of the Universe. Even the law of gravity is part of the law of attraction. This law attracts thoughts, ideas, people, situations, circumstances, and the things you think about.


As I said, you have probably heard about the "Law of Attraction." But do you actually understand it and how it works?


We all vibrate at a certain frequency. So, to get the things we want, we must change our frequency to match the things we want in life. So how do we do that?


First, you must understand that "Thoughts Are Real Forces." Your thoughts actually control your life. Your life doesn't consist of accidental circumstances. Unfortunately, your thoughts can bring negative circumstances just as they bring positive ones.


Most people spend most of their time focusing on what they don't want instead of what they want. But unfortunately, the Universe does not care what it gives you. Instead, it will give you what you think about. So, your thoughts are "REAL FORCES!"


I want to break this down a bit more scientifically if you will. Why is it so hard to break the habit of your thoughts? Good or bad, happy or sad, stressed or not, you become addicted to those feelings just as you get addicted to heroin. I know; how can that be?


Simply put, your body creates a chemical reaction to every thought that invokes emotion. And that chemical reaction is powerful; it's as addictive as heroin. Your body craves it. It needs more of the same and will do anything to get it. So, it doesn't matter which thought creates the emotion that disperses the chemical; your body wants more of it. That is why breaking the habit of being yourself is so hard.


To sum this up and make the "Law of Attraction" work for you, you must attach an elevated emotion to your positive thoughts. It's not just affirmations and thinking positive thoughts. You have to "FEEL" your positive thoughts. You must believe what you're saying and feel what you're thinking. Then, your body will become addicted to the positives, your frequency will change to vibrate with the positives, and all those thoughts (that are REAL FORCES) will manifest into reality! Article source:

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